Weekly Roundup: June 17, 2012 – Business Name, Entrepreneurial Productivity, Business Plan 101
CEO Blog Nation
How Did You Come Up With Your Business Name?Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (via Hearpreneur): In this 3-part series from Hearpreneur, entrepreneurs and business Owners explain how they came up with their business name and why they started their business.
5 Tips for Entrepreneurial Productivity (via Rescue A CEO): The good news is, there are simple tips that we’ve discovered at DeskTime on how to improve your daily productivity.
Business Plan 101: General Company Description (via Teach A CEO): This section provides a general direction of the business and outlines the company for potential investors or potential partners. In this section you can include details about your business, your business structure, and your business’ core values.
Across The Web
11 Quick Reasons to be an Entrepreneur (via Under 30 CEO): Entrepreneurship is a buzzword, but isn't nearly as sexy as it sounds. Here are some quick reasons why you should still do it.