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May Kickoff – Here’s to the Game Changers

ducksTrue game changers come once in a blue moon. The great minds that give us a product that completely flips how we operate in our daily lives, those people are a rarity no matter how you look at it. The phrase ‘Here’s to the crazy ones’ conjures up images of the late, great Steve Jobs. In the years since his death Jobs has found an even broader following. Not only because of the unique and inspired products Apple has continued to produce but because Jobs was the epitome of a game changing figure. He bounded through life on his own terms and with his own agenda. His desire to make the best product he could, mixed with his undeniable charisma for those products, led to a culture of Apple followers. Steve Jobs was an example of a game changer on a large scale.

For those entrepreneurs who aspire to be like Jobs, or any other major game changer for that matter, emulating some of his traits can work wonders for a business leader. Jobs is not the only game changer, of course. Zuckerberg and Branson can also be noted for their influence on the world of business. And though each has their own contributions, they all share some of the same qualities a game changer must have – the drive to be different. Being different doesn’t just mean having an idea and putting it into production. A game changer has an idea, build up that idea, puts a new spin on the idea and does it all while thinking of ways to take all the building and spinning into something even more creative. They don’t follow the rules they make them…as cliché as it sounds. These game changers push all entrepreneurs and business owners to the edge and ask them to take a look over.

The month of May is dedicated to the crazy ones. For the men and women who are game changers in their own right, and whose products make a bang instead of a whimper on the world of business. The men and women who create a stir with their products and business practices have earned the right of some attention and celebration on their behalf. Here at CEO Blog Nation we will be sharing stories and opinions from entrepreneurs on their favorite game changers and business disruptor.


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