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Kickoff to September – Change & Education

Everyday entrepreneurs must deal with changes that happen. It could be changes from competitors or changes in their industry, but business owners will have to deal with change. One of the ways that entrepreneurs and business owners have to stay ahead and to predict changes is through knowledge and education.

College and Universities understand that and are offering entrepreneurship as a major and minor and even tailoring other courses of study with an entrepreneurship track. It's not just at schools like Babson or at Wharton's MBA program. It's everywhere and it becomes necessary to change, adapt and to grow and that is the essence of entrepreneurship.

Across the nation more and more colleges and universities are attempting to teach entrepreneurship and while the debate still continues whether entrepreneurs are born or made, it remains a fact that education and entrepreneurship is growing.

Here are some interesting statistics:

We too have been educating and over the next few months we will be changing with the times. You will notice that Teach a CEO, a site dedicated to providing information, statistics, videos and more for entrepreneurs, startups and business owners has changed. We understand the importance of education and we have changed our design to more of a library of resources for business owners. If you need to know how to create a Facebook Page or you want to know how to write a business plan or even the fastest growing industries in 2013, this is the place to check out.

Also, Rescue a CEO will feature a new program for entrepreneurs and business owners to get things done called Rescue a CEO Connection. The program will help entrepreneurs and business owners connect with professionals and experts to help out with social media, website design and social media support and get things done. Either post what you are looking for or get a vetted list from us.

Part of being ahead of the curve and being an entrepreneur is to continue educating yourself and that's what we are dedicating ourselves to and we know that is what you are doing. Expect more great content with even more great announcements. Change is good and adapting to change is even better.

Enjoy the month and expect more great announcements.

– Gresh

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. – Charles Darwin

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