Have you ever thought about starting a business or are you thinking about starting one next year? A great place to start is to check out our NEW ebook for entrepreneurs and business owners. One of the most difficult things to do when you are looking to start a business is where to figure out to begin. This is where our new eBook helps you. From picking a business name to opening a business bank account this book will help you understand the integral steps to take when starting a business. In less than 30 pages, Lil' Bessie Starts a Business, give you everything you need to get started on building a successful business.
Read the excerpt below:
Starting a business can be one of the most difficult things you will do in your life. I hope this book is a good starting point for entrepreneurs and business owners of all ages. It is written to be a simplistic way of approaching business. I don’t consider running or starting a business to be easy but I think there are simple principles that business owners can follow to be successful. There are ups and downs and peaks and valleys but I hope after reading this that you will walk away with insight or at the very least a different perspective on running a business.
For those that are looking to start a business, I hope this is a good starting point. While the story is told through the perspective of a 10 year old girl, the appendix has a more detailed explanation on how to start a business. Along with What If Aesop Started a Business, and visiting ceoblognation.com, I hope these resources provide a guide and provide tips for starting and running a successful business.
More than anything, remember to just do it and also remember don’t quit.
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