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Checklist for Hiring and Onboarding Your First Employees

Starting a business is complicated and requires a lot of effort and time. There is a long list of things you need to do when growing your own company and hiring employees. Bringing on staff to help you with your business is a huge milestone, and hiring demands more than just interviewing candidates and choosing the best one. There are many legal requirements that you need to adhere to in order to make the interview process and the following onboarding easier. You will also need to consider the office space and think about various factors if this is going to be your first office.

The hiring process can be overwhelming to deal with when you’re also working full-time in growing your enterprise. Here is a checklist of some of the things you need to take care of during the whole hiring and onboarding process.

A clear job description

This is one of the most important tasks you need to do when searching for employees. The job description needs to be clear and define all the important parameters of the role. The job description will determine the type of applications you get. If your job description lists all the tasks you need the potential employee to undertake, you’ll receive responses from applicants that are qualified for the role.

Having a defined idea of the responsibilities you’d like to delegate to the employee beforehand will also be helpful to you as you can then find the perfect qualified person that fulfils all the requirements. The salary of the employee will also be determined on the work that will be done by the new employees.


Interviews and background check

From the application you receive, you should interview at least a couple of those candidates. Each candidate will have a different approach and goals and you’ll be able to gauge if they are a good fit for your business. If you already have employees, you might also want to consider having a panel interview.

Once you’ve decided on a candidate and made an offer, you might want to conduct a background check. A background check needs to be authorized by the candidate and it is a safety measure for your business, employees and candidates. This is a complicated legal process, so make sure that you’re aware of the restrictions.


Workers’ compensation insurance

Each state has different workers’ compensation insurance requirements. Most states require employers to have an insurance policy to help if ever a worker is injured in the workplace. While physically demanding jobs are known to be risky, even desk jobs can be prone to injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Make sure that you know the legal requirements of the state you’re in. If you and your employees are ever in an employment dispute regarding compensation, your lawyer can employ The Knowles Group to help with the case and provide expert testimony.

These are just some of the things you need to take care of when hiring new employees. After hiring, there are many other tips you can follow to keep your employees excited about the work they do. Bringing on qualified employees and keeping them happy is a very vital part of growing your business as they support that growth with their work.

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