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5 signs your startup is screwed [InfoWorld]

I sifted through all the tear-shedding, blame-shifting, and self-flogging to find some of the more telling themes from these sorrowful tales (setting aside the obvious stuff like running out of money or building a product that people flat-out rejected). You might recognize one of these signs from a startup you know today. Or, given that IT projects are often like microstartups within an organization, you might learn a lesson or two about how not to steer your project straight into the ground.

Failure sign No. 1: You don't have a strong and consistent focus


Failure sign No. 2: Your vision's been twisted out of your control

Failure sign No. 3: You aren't ready for success


Failure sign No. 4: You've built your business on a legal landmine


Failure sign No. 5: Your product depends on someone else's service

Read More: 5 signs your startup is screwed [InfoWorld]

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