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Startup Mania Is Ending—How to Play It [Observer]

Part I: Why it’s over.

It’s 2016, and I’m here to tell you that startup mania is coming to an end. I know, it’s sad.

In case you don’t believe me, here are the five signs this current cycle is over:

1) Low interest rates are ending

2) Consolidation in mobile has occurred, and mobile service/social innovation have reached maturity

3) Regulation phase for top startups like Uber and AirBnB. Everybody is now paying the piper

4) Investment rounds generally are deployed by startups over 18 months. An unusually large number of startups are on the hook to raise again on based on questionable fluffy metrics

5) Angels and Accelerators have learned they are not making money

Here is the fine print: We got out of the misery of 2008 thanks in large part to zero interest rates. Investment dollars had to find a place to go. In parallel, the mobile revolution arrived. An astonishing number of mobile service and social related products were created, from Instacart and Uber to Instagram and Snapchat.

Part II: How to play it.

  1. Stop being a founder and investor.
  2. Look for new innovation (VR, Education, Healthcare, A.I., Environment, Space etc).
  3. Develop a point of view.
  4. Double down on workplace skills and improve your relationships.
  5. Be Deliberate.

Curated from Startup Mania Is Ending—How to Play It [Observer]

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