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Marrying an Entrepreneur [Entrepreneur]

Looking back, getting to that point was far from simple. Like anything else worth doing, it took twice as long as I thought it would. But it wasn’t just that I was working hard. Breaking out on my own was stressful for both Janice and me. It challenged our bond, but she supported me and stuck it out. She committed to succeeding at her job, even though she didn’t necessarily love it. Meanwhile, my head was in the clouds, dreaming. At times I think things felt very one-sided.

I’m happy to report that Janice and I are going strong after more than a quarter-century together. This is how we make it work:

  1. Act like a team.
  2. Craft a plan together.
  3. Set goals.
  4. Be flexible.

Curated from “Becoming an Entrepreneur Takes Courage, But Marrying One Is Even Braver

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