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Mistakes Can Be an Entrepreneur’s Best Teacher (If You’re Ready to Learn) [Huff Post]


Any successful entrepreneur or business leader will be able to share numerous stories of prior mistakes and missteps that paved the way for their success. The importance of mistakes can be so powerful that venture capitalist Chris Lynch says he prefers to invest in founders who have failed (and become stronger and wiser as a result).

The problem is that just making a mistake isn't enough; it's how you recover and learn from the mistake that makes the difference. And this typically requires behavioral traits and characteristics that don't come naturally to most of us.

But it is possible to flip your mistakes around and turn them into a positive growth experience. The ability to do this will strengthen you as an entrepreneur and as a person.

Stop the impulse to blame or justify

Instill a culture of acceptance in your workplace

Stop expecting perfection

Curated from Mistakes Can Be an Entrepreneur's Best Teacher (If You're Ready to Learn) [Huff Post]

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