LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner, who sat down for a fireside chat with Reid Hoffman. Reid and Jeff met in February of 2008, started talking about how to build companies, and had the good fortune to work together at LinkedIn.
Q: One of the things you quickly started systematizing was how do we find and develop leaders.
A: First, there’s a continuum with problem-solving on one end and coaching on the other, and second, there’s a continuum with tactical execution on one end and proactive strategic thinking on the other. Founders tend to be people who do stuff, so their knee-jerk reaction is to solve problems, rather than coaching people to solve them. You have to coach people to solve their own problems, and coach people to coach people to solve problems. That’s how you achieve scale.
I try to carve out 90 minutes on my schedule so I have time to think ahead. If you don’t carve out that time, you’ll spend all your time firefighting and playing catch-up with your competitors.
When you’re a 15-person company, you’d better be good at problem solving and getting shit done. As you start to get bigger, you need to start evolving across those two continuums.
Read More: CS183C Session 19: Jeff Weiner, LinkedIn [LinkedIn]
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