This upcoming week is Election Day and I thought it was only right to do something focused on winning and losing or success and failure. I just even made a post about failure on my personal blog talking about the difference between success and failure and asking yourself what would you do if you couldn't fail?
Rather than getting in to the trenches and debating whether you should vote for Hilary or Trump, I decided to write more on the outcome because there will be a winner and there will be a loser. This isn't an NFL game.
To start off, Marty Zwilling writes in the Huffington Post reviewing–The Leader's Mindset: How to Win in the Age of Disruption. Marty, summarizes some key points from the book but the biggest thing that he summarizes is that a lot has to do with mindset and being incredibly focused on fulfilling a purpose.
Continuing with the same theme, Carol Roth writes on CNBC about 3 things that entrepreneurs do that cause them to fail. This includes everything from not having enough “runway”, not truly understanding what being an entrepreneur means and what's required and finally, not having a market for your products and services. A lot of this has to do with planning and preparation. It's often thought that an entrepreneur is unprepared and just takes risks but the reality is that the really good ones are very well prepared.
Finally, to switch gears, in the Harvard Business Review Peter Vandor and Nikolaus Franke explained why immigrants tend to be more entrepreneurial. They cited cross-cultural experience which possibly stimulate creativity. This creativity can manifest itself in the ability to see opportunities where non-immigrants aren't able to.