As we enter midway point of the year our focus falls on branding. From the minute you begin the arduous task of building a business from hoof to horn the brand is front and center. Your business is buried beneath you brand and there isn’t a lot of ground for moving around that fact. Every single thing people see from your business reflects back on the brand image they have of you. Will it be a goof in the public eye which defines your brand? Or could it be a sharply designed product which lends its shining self to your brand? Both scenarios are on different sides of the coin but both can, and have, easily happened. When you run a business it can become your identity. Thus, your identity becomes your brand. Everyone has a brand whether they realize it or not. Musicians have a brand, athletes and especially entrepreneurs.
The key to all of this brand business is finding the right fit for what you want to project out on the world. Do you want your brand to be trendy and appealing to various age groups like Apple? It’s all about what you want your audience to see. Google has their unique work culture, Apple had Steve Jobs and all the charm to go along with him and Microsoft still has Bill Gates in all his ‘geeky’ glory. Each defines, in part, what their company stands for. Branding your company is all about creativity. The working parts which help to do so include products, people, work environment, and so much more. With so much going into branding your business how do you know the best way to do so?
The key to branding, as in all aspects of business, is passion. There must be a passion for finding unique and witty ways to share what your business is all about with the world and with an expanding audience both offline and on. Whichever way you go with branding it should be thoughtful and full of inspiration. In other words, it should be full of everything you want for your business. As Steve Martin says, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” For an artfully branded business – ignoring it will never be an option. So get out there, be creative, be unique and charming and create a brand worth calling yours.
– Ash
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