CEO Blog Nation
Happy New Year from CEO Blog Nation – CEO Blog Nation Beta
There's something special about the beginning of a new year. It has the feeling equivalent to that of new pair of shoes that you promise … -
Best Industries to Start in 2013 [ANSWERS] – Rescue A CEO
With each New Year comes the newest trends in business. Sometimes the trend for the next year is starting a technology-based business and… -
Getting Your Business Out of the Gates Fast in 2013 [ANSWERS] – Rescue A CEO
The first day of the new year is filled with a mountain of possibilities for an entrepreneur. Today is the day a business owner hits the … -
What if Aesop Owned A Business? – CEO Blog Nation Beta
CEO Blog Nation is proud to announce “What if Aesop Owned a Business?” which will provide short lessons and tips for entrepreneurs from v… -
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Make New Year Plans [ANSWERS] – Rescue A CEO
With the New Year comes a whole new set of plans for every entrepreneur and business owner. Whether they hit the ground running as soon a… -
Are you Optimistic/Pessimistic about the future of business? [ANSWERS] – Rescue A CEO
It is a safe bet that when you turn on the news today you will find yourself being tossed a whole lot of bad news. Stocks are bad, compan… -
What were you most thankful for in 2012? [ANSWERS] – Rescue A CEO
With 2012 coming to a close, now is the time to look back on the year and reflect on what the best parts were. For business owners and en… -
How did you get your business name? [ANSWERS] – Rescue A CEO
Whatever the inspiration or relation may be, the naming of your business is one of the most important parts of becoming a CEO. Having a b… -
Monday Morning Motivation: Adrian Peterson – Hearpreneur
To start this week off well, here is some motivation to help small business owners and entrepreneurs. Here are some things you can take a… -
From across the Web
Business owner sees bright spots in jobs report
(CBS News) This economic recovery has been stingy with jobs and the December report released Friday is no different. The unemployment rat… -
Trends That Will Affect Every Startup In 2013
What will the 2013 startup landscape look like? Startups.co researched funding activity in 2012 and hunted for trends that will shape the… -
5 tips for pitching your startup to investors
I remember the first time my partner and I presented our startup to an angel investor. Many questions asked by the investor were left una… -
Does It Pay to Become an Entrepreneur? – Forbes
This is a guest post by Dave Girouard. January inevitably brings reflection and consideration for what's next in life. For many of us, as… -
Transitioning From Employee To Stay At Home Entrepreneur
The single most important factor in successfully switching from full-time employment to a home based entrepreneur is not starving to deat… -
How to Project Confidence
Whether you're courting potential investors or presenting at a staff meeting, you need to project confidence. Your self-assurance shows o… -
Choosing the Right Co-founder
Nine months ago I started my first company called Confusing Homework. Unlike most college students, I didn't want to just get a degree an… -
How to Stake Your Claim to Any Market
Every time I talk to someone about online marketing strategies, the analogy of “digital real estate” always seems to come up for me. It's… -
Contract Law – How to Create a Legally Binding Contract | SBA.gov
Whether you are entering into a relationship with a customer, a vendor or an independent contractor, contracts are a fact of business. Yo… -
The Fallacy Of Sales Being A Numbers Game
I truly believe that the old adage of “sales is a numbers game” to be misleading and in some cases outdated. Do you really believe that d… -
Design Your Small Business So It Runs Without You
What would it be like to devote time to the things that are higher on your priority list such as business development or marketing. Or take -
HR Vitamin: Costly Employees
“Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things ef… -
Why the Google+ long game is brilliant
I'm finding myself using Google+ more and more. I recently decided that the long game Google is playing is absolutely brilliant. They are… -
Here's What You Should Expect From Your Industry This Year
Knowing and adapting to big industry trends is one of the key tests for any manager. They color shareholder expectations, and the behavio… -
How to Gain Two Extra Hours a Day | The Work at Home Woman
Whether you're juggling work with childcare, household chores or attempting to enjoy some semblance of a social life, you no doubt go to … -
Why Writing Will Matter in 2013
What do you think will happen in the world of online marketing this year? Here at Inklyo, we have one prediction, and it's pretty simple…. -
How To Make Your WordPress Site Load Faster in 2013
Making your WordPress website (or any other platform) load faster is something you should really be concerned with, specially if you are … -
Don't Be Afraid to Ask (Brandon Sutton) | Riding the Waves of Personal Development
Fear. It's everywhere; in ample supply. But each of us chooses whether or not to buy into it. Some fears are rational, such as the fear o…
30 Entrepreneurs Share What They Would Tell Their Younger Business Selves
If you had the opportunity to hop into a time machine and talk to your younger business self, what would...