Continuing with the theme of a new year, we have launched a new website and now we are announcing a new dedicated website for events for entrepreneurs, startups, and business owners. One of the most important parts of starting a business is to network and be amongst other entrepreneurs and business owners so that's why we moved our two events sites which we felt were hidden on our site to a dedicated site that is only focused on events. On this page, you will find a complete list of events across the world. You will be able to search based on your location or if you are located in the DMV (D.C., Maryland & Virginia) we have created a category for that specific area. It could be a product launch, a conference, a networking event or a regular meeting, we have you covered. Head over to the site to find out about events going on or to post your own event on the website.
Visit the site here: http://events.ceoblognation.net/
See a complete list of events here: http://events.ceoblognation.net/events/
Submit your own events (registration required): http://events.ceoblognation.net/submit/