I swing big, with everything I've got. I hit big or I miss big. I like to live as big as I can. -Babe Ruth
Welcome to 2019. As the saying goes the days are long but the years are short. Every year seems like it's speeding ahead which is why time is of the essence to “go big or go home.” It's time to be bold. It's time to be decisive and go after your dreams.
As Babe Ruth said, the goal is to “swing with everything you've got.” Even if you succeed or fail, the key is that you control what you can control.
As a CEO, entrepreneur or business owner swinging big might be starting the business that you've been researching or it might be starting that new podcast or hiring your 100th employee or increasing your revenue to 8 figures or writing the book you've been brainstorming.
The bottom line is this year, remember that whether it's success or temporary defeat, the one thing you can control is how you swing. Make sure you swing big!
How we're swinging big in 2019
- The I AM CEO Podcast is now a daily podcast
- Continuing to strengthen the connection between CBNation and Blue 16 Media
- The You Are a Media Company Course is here
- Highlighting our Supporters to thank them for supporting us at
CBNation - Premium content at CBNation+
- The development of the I AM CEO Tribe
- An increased presence and activity on LinkedIn

January 2019
This month, we will look at some of the following:
- How to make bold decisions
- Defining what it means to be bold
- Bold actions entrepreneurs and business owners are taking in the new year
- Biggest hits and biggest business misses
- And so much more…
Wishing you a phenomenal start to 2019!
– Gresh